
NATO Ally Supports China’s Ukraine Peace Plan, Beijing Praises European Diplomacy

The meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Hungarian President Viktor Orban concluded with high praise from both sides. Xi described Orban as a “model” for Europe in diplomatic relations, while Orban backed Beijing’s peace plan for Ukraine.

“Today, Europe is on the side of war,” stated Orban at a joint press conference, highlighting Hungary as the sole exception advocating for an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations. He expressed Hungary’s support for all international peace efforts, particularly China’s initiative.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto remarked on the potential benefits of deeper cooperation with China, seeing it as a significant opportunity. Amidst increasing skepticism and deteriorating perceptions within Europe, China aims to improve its image, with Hungary’s endorsement providing a much-needed public relations uplift.

Xi’s visit, part of a broader European tour, strengthened the “all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era” between China and Hungary, a commitment officials say goes beyond mere words. This alliance positions Hungary alongside nations like Belarus, Pakistan, and Venezuela, which support China’s efforts to counterbalance U.S. influence and benefit from enhanced trade and diplomatic ties.

The two countries signed 17 agreements as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, involving investments in nuclear energy, supply chain improvements, green development, and enhancing Hungary’s finance and trade sectors. These deals aim to elevate cooperation to new heights, broadening the scope and raising the level of engagement between Beijing and Central and Eastern Europe.

Xi underscored the significance of the China-EU strategic partnership and voiced support for Hungary’s increased role within the EU, which he believes could spur further development in China-EU relations.

The South China Morning Post pointed out that the “all-weather” partnership categorizes Hungary with China’s close allies, a strategic move to bolster China’s position globally. Last year, China proposed a 12-point peace plan for Ukraine, advocating against nuclear arms use, safeguarding civilians, facilitating grain exports, and calling for the end of unilateral sanctions unless approved by the U.N. Security Council.

However, some critics, like Jo Inge Bekkevold from the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, suggest China’s peace plan has hidden agendas, possibly positioning China to aid in Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction—a role Beijing is uniquely capable of fulfilling. Such involvement would potentially enhance China’s influence in Europe, making the reconstruction of Ukraine an appealing prospect for all involved.

Lucas Falcão

International Politics and Sports Specialist, Chief Editor of Walerts with extensive experience in breaking news.

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